Celebrate Icon


Celebrate special occasions with custom cards with personalised images and audio messages.

Hear a sample of Celebrate

"Alexa, open Celebrate the Day."

Alexa: Cheers to you on your special day! 'Hey Jen, congratulations on your big promotion! Your dedication really paid off. Enjoy this achievement! We are all so proud of you!'

#### Themes Choose a theme as a starting point, each with unique images and messages you can use as is or customise with your own photos and voice recordings. #### How to create 1. Choose a Theme 2. Choose between Alexa-narrated messages, or record your own 90 second greeting 3. Select a background image from our library, or upload your own 4. Add a caption 5. Pick a name for your skill 6. Send your greeting card to others by sharing your skill with the recipient. Once, they enabled the skill, they can use it on their Alexa-enabled devices. #### How to use Let the recipient know how to ask Alexa for their personalised greeting, or surprise them by asking Alexa to open your skill.